CaPA’s toolkit is a combination of unique CaPA offerings, offerings from CaPA grantees, and a clearing house of public resources for easy organizing access. CaPA will be adding additional tools and resources over the coming weeks. Please continue to check back for updates!

Vote.org is a nonpartisan voting registration and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) technology platform. They offer a suite of digital tools that allow users to register to vote, check registration status, request a mail ballot, pre-register for those under 18, receive election reminders, and pledge to vote.
Cost: Basic tools are free, various pricing options available to acquire data (free for CaPA grantees)
CaPA Grantees: CaPA can provide technical assistance to embed tools on your website. CaPA can also provide you with up-to-date data collected from people who use Vote.org tools through your website at no cost to you. Email dominic@cleanprosperousamerica.org to get set up! View this tutorial for more information.

TurboVote helps voters participate in every election—from school board to President—and streamlines voter engagement. Their tools, which easily integrate with organizations’ websites, allow voters to check their registration status, receive election reminders, learn about what’s on their ballot, and more.
Cost: Basic tools are free, cost varies for customized tools for organization websites (discounted for CaPA grantees)
CaPA Grantees: CaPA can provide technical assistance to embed tools on your website. TurboVote is also offering CaPA grantees a 25% discount for their customized tools. Email emilia@cleanprosperousamerica.org

Building Bridges for America provides volunteer engagement support and resources to make sure that over four million voters who are away from the state where they are registered to vote are able to cast a ballot. Their website has graphics that can be shared with eligible voters who are out of the country.
Cost: Free

All In To Vote’s Out of State College Student Voting Guide succinctly explains voting registrations rules and options for college students attending school in a different state than their permanent address.
Cost: Free

ActiVote’s easy to use, nonpartisan app educates voters on important issues, when and where they can cast their vote, connects them with their elected officials, and allows them to make their voice heard by quickly answering key polling questions.
Cost: Free

Rock the Vote offers civic tech tools that partner organizations can link to for free on their websites. Tools include an Online Voter Registration platform available in 13 languages, a Pledge to Vote tool with election reminders, a Voter Status Lookup tool, and an Absentee Ballot Request tool.
Cost: Basic Civic Tech tools are free, cost varies for Premium tools

The TargetSmart Voter Registration Dashboard shows voter registration data from the 2020, 2022, and 2024 election cycles, comparing current data with past election cycles. It is updated twice a week and includes a wealth of demographic data including age, gender, race, and partisanship, as well as whether voters live in urban, suburban, or rural areas.
Cost: Free

guides.vote produces nonpartisan voter guides that show where candidates stand on issues, including abortion access, climate change, criminal justice, student financial aid, healthcare and immigration. guides.vote will supply free printed nonpartisan guides (as well as free digital versions) for nonpartisan outreach efforts in their target states.
Cost: Free

The Vote Pro-Choice Voter Guide is a comprehensive, progressive, pro-choice voter guide with special emphasis on states and areas where reproductive freedom is most on the line. To help voters cast a ballot reflecting their values, the guide features an individualized ballot preview and endorsements and recommendations at every level, from local to federal races and everything in between. The guide also includes polling place lookup info and options for voting by mail, utilizing drop-boxes, and early voting.
Cost: Free

VOTE411 from the League of Women Voters Education Fund is a “one-stop-shop” for election information. It provides nonpartisan state-specific information in all 50 states on how and where to vote, including registration deadlines. Voters can enter their address to see a personalized voter guide for their ballot, and get links to detailed voter guides from their local LWV chapters.
Cost: Free
guides.vote Alaska Voter Guide – general election guide not published yet
Progressive Voters Guide Alaska – general election guide not published yet
guides.vote Arizona Voter Guide
Branch Arizona Elections Guide
Branch Georgia Elections Guide
guides.vote Michigan Voter Guide
guides.vote Montana Voter Guide
Branch Montana Elections Guide
Wild Montana Action Fund Voter Guide
Montana Free Press Election Guide
guides.vote Nebraska Voter Guide
League of Women Voters of Greater Omaha Election Voters’ Guide – primary election guide
guides.vote Nevada Voter Guide
Progressive Voters Guide Nevada
New Hampshire
guides.vote New Hampshire Voter Guide – general election guide not published yet
North Carolina
Branch North Carolina Elections Guide
guides.vote North Carolina Voter Guide
Innovation Ohio Education Fund’s Ohio Voter Guide
guides.vote Pennsylvania Voter Guide
Committee of 70’s Voter Guide – general election guide not published yet
Progressive Voters Guide Washington
Cascade PBS Washington Statewide Voter Guide 2024
guides.vote Washington Voter Guide – general election guide not published yet
Branch Washington Elections Guide – general election guide not published yet
Washington State Standard 2024 Voter Guide – general election guide not published yet
guides.vote Wisconsin Voter Guide
A Better Wisconsin Together/Progressive Voters Guide Wisconsin

ActionNetwork offers a variety of tools to engage and grow your base of supporters through event registrations, petitions, sending letters to elected officials, grassroots fundraising campaigns, and email outreach. This short video from Andrea Miller, Executive Director of Center for Common Ground, walks you through the platform and some of the tools ActionNetworks offers.
Cost: Basic tools are free, pricing is based on usage defined by monthly email volume
CaPA Grantees: CaPA can connect you with personalized support in signing up and getting on-boarded using ActionNetwork. Email emilia@cleanprosperousamerica.org

SwipeBlue is a free app for iOS and Android that matches your friends to the voter file to show who is registered (or not), their party, and their political districts. The app makes it easy for progressives to send messages to friends to encourage them to register, vote, donate, volunteer, or to take other important actions. Visit https://swipeblue.org/partner.
Cost: Free

Empower Project offers a free relational organizing app and free training, tech, and data support for non-profit organizations. Empower can be your volunteer action hub to stay connected with volunteers, ask volunteers to reach out to friends and family or to take action on their own, send updates quickly with mass texting, and expand your program with canvassing.
Cost: Free

OutreachCircle is a relational organizing platform that makes it easy for volunteers to reach out to friends via email, text, or social media. You can choose to have supporters contact anyone in their network or use real-time mapping to match their friends against a targeted list, voter file, or membership database.
Cost: Free for volunteer organizations, $30-$50 per month for larger organizations

With Impactive, volunteers can reach their personal contacts via text, email, call, and social DM. You can send messaging actions to volunteers based on where they live, what language they speak, or whether or not they have contacts in a certain district or zip code and sync volunteer contact reports directly voter files.
Cost: $50 – $1,000 per month

CallHub Relational Organizing is a free app enables volunteers to reach out to their contacts through texts, calls, and social media, collect survey responses, and do follow ups all from one platform. Volunteers can use the app in English, Spanish and French.
Cost: Free

GetThru is a peer-to-peer texting and calling tool. Their ThruText software enables texters to send over 200 messages per minute and have thousands of simultaneous text message conversations through a centralized, trackable system. ThruTalk software allows users to import lists and survey questions, make calls with branching script tools, and reach speeds of 250 dials/hour per caller.
Cost: 1.5¢ per SMS, 3.5¢ per MMS and video, 3.5¢ per dial

Impactive’s platform includes tools for broadcast and peer-to-peer texting, phone banking, relational organizing, voter registration, custom form building, and more. Impactive’s predictive dialer allows you to host high-impact phone banks on web or mobile with easy-to-use interactive scripts. Their Peer-to-Peer Texting tool allows you to filter contacts, reach thousands of contacts per hour, and manage text conversations on a streamlined inbox.
Cost: $50 – $1,000 per month

Blue Wave Postcard Movement offers postcards with eye-catching graphics, pre-printed election information, a QR code for more information, and pre-addressed labels targeted to swing states.
Cost: Postcard cost varies by volume, stamps available at cost (can request financial assistance)

Center for Common Ground trains and provides supplies, addresses, and tailored scripts for volunteers to handwrite colorful and informative postcards to voters of color in targeted voter suppression states.
Cost: Postcard cost varies by volume

Markers for Democracy is a group of grassroots activists working to elect Democrats up and down the ballot by writing get-out-the-vote postcards to Democratic voters. Offers postcards, targeted address lists, and Zoom events where volunteers write postcards together, talk politics, and listen to speakers.
Cost: Postcard cost varies by volume, can request financial assistance for stamps

Feel Good Action allows organizations to leverage $120,000 of free Google ads to increase voter registrations and civic engagement through their partner program. Organizations can strategically target and reach potential voters, especially those who may not be aware of registration deadlines. Feel Good Action’s team will support you to access Google Ad grants, increase online visibility and drive meaningful engagement for your organization.
Cost: Free
CaPA Grantees: CaPA can directly connect your organization with Feel Good Action to set up a meeting. Email emilia@cleanprosperousamerica.org

Vote Run Lead’s Campaign Safety resources offer practical guidance on de-escalation, knowing your rights, and keeping yourself and your team and volunteers safe doing voter outreach in person and online.
Staying Safe While Door-Knocking by Vote Run Lead Action in partnership with Oregon Future Labs
Guide to Creating a Safety Plan for Your Campaign Team by Vote Run Lead Action
Know Your Rights in Police Interactions by Vote Run Lead Action in partnership with Oregon Future Labs
Cost: Free
CaPA’s Safe and Effective Protesting Guide has valuable tips and resources to help you be prepared and stay safe if you are organizing or participating in a public protest.
Cost: Free

You and the 34%: How to Have Meaningful Conversations with High-Potential Voters is a training video that teaches canvassers how to engage reluctant voters through listening and speaking skills. Based on Motivational Interviewing techniques, You and the 34% teaches canvassers to use openness and curiosity to encourage non-voters to talk about their reasons for staying away from the polls, to imagine what might be better if they did vote, and to reconsider their disengagement.
Cost: Free

Sister District’s Downballot Voter Toolkit shares research, tested messaging, and downloadable content to highlight the importance of state legislatures and encourage voters that may “roll off” their ballots after voting at the top of the ticket to support down-ballot Democratic candidates.
Cost: Free

National Voter Registration Day is September 17. Their Partner Resources include guides, toolkits, templates, and webinars for nonpartisan, positive messaging to register voters and encourage voters to check their registration status.
Cost: Free

Civic Influencer’s State-Specific Resources provide comprehensive information about voter eligibility and registration rules, scripts for registering voters, and guides to hosting registration events in 13 competitive states.
Cost: Free

Students Learn Students Vote has an extensive, searchable Resources Library with guides and toolkits on topics from student voter engagement to countering disinformation to keeping GOTV messaging nonpartisan and more.
Cost: Free
Guides to additional tools and resources for voter engagement: