Education Fund 501(c)(3)

Informed by Clean and Prosperous America’s Strategic Grassroots Empowerment Fund, the Clean & Prosperous America Education Fund is supporting 501(c)(3) community-led organizations that educate individuals about civic and climate engagement. Contributions made to the Clean & Prosperous America Education Fund for grant programs administered by Clean and Prosperous America are tax deductible.

CaPAEF is currently using your tax deductible contributions to fund ballot education work and non partisan GOTV efforts in highly competitive geographies. It is critical in these geographies that we expand voter participation among youth, BIPOC, and other demographics to ensure everyone’s voice is heard on election day. Increasing the number of registered voters is the critical first step in that process.

Learn first hand from Tammye Pettyjohn Jones from Sisters in Service of Southwest Georgia, and Daniel Coley from Civic Influencers what it takes to register and turn out young voters.

Use the memo field to specify any geographic or other restrictions on your gift.
Use the memo field to specify any geographic or other restrictions on your gift.

Clean & Prosperous America Education Fund can accept stock donations allowing you to receive both the tax deduction associated with your contribution and avoid paying capital gains on your appreciated stock. To donate stocks contact

All contributions are helpful but there are limits to what can be done with tax-deductible dollars in the civic engagement arena. If you do not need the tax deduction, or want to give political dollars to complement your non-political tax-deductible dollars, please visit our Clean & Prosperous America PAC contribution page.

Mail Checks to our 501(c)3:

Clean & Prosperous Education Fund
PO Box 21961
Seattle, WA 98111
For larger contributions and information on rapid fund deployment please contact [206-979-1707‬]

If interested in supporting Clean & Prosperous America’s political programing click here.